A time honoured tradition?


It was New Year’s Day and hoards gathered to take part in a custom that dates back to well before some of us were born. It is a ritual that has stood the test of time and is rooted deep in our culture. No, I am not talking about Assou Square; au contraire.  More treasured than that is the beloved Kentucky Fried Chicken dash – you know! That urge you get for some grub which can only be satisfied by the self-professed finger licking goodness.  This particular KFC couldn’t even contain the masses no doubt spilling over from that other event. And so what if there was local food in the vicinity? With more outlets popping up on the island and a legion of satisfied customers, KFC is as local as it gets.


  1. Not one bit of it, don’t make me expose them for ill-treating their employees and more but I will refrain for now.

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