Another foiled robbery?


Police here are denying reports that a man who was caught trespassing on the premises of Peter and Company in Cul De Sac was shot by them, or the security on duty at the time. Reports reaching the Star Friday indicate that the individual who was caught trespassing was apprehended after the security discharged a number of shots, but no one was injured.

We have been reliably informed that the security guard noticed the man cutting the company’s fence and called the police to report the matter. By that time the man is said to have already entered the compound upon which the security fired the shots in his direction after calling on him to stop.

The incident took place at about 4:15 am Friday morning. The police press officer Annel Innocent told the Star that the individual is in police custody where he is being held for questioning.

Just last week in Cul De Sac there was a foiled robbery attempt at Prio’s Jr. Two men attempted to rob patrons of their cash and jewelry but were fired on by a licensed firearm holder. Both individuals sustained gun shot wounds and were subsequently charged by the police.