Is Rick Wayne returning to TALK?


They seek him here, they seek him there . . . Hey, you know the rest of that ancient little rhapsody. Or you should. Unless you also have difficulty reading my favorite comic books, titles of which I shall keep to myself for now. (By the way, do you suppose the rappers named what they do after rhapsody? Something to chew over this weekend, besides over-frozen chicken legs!)

This is Rick Wayne at 8.30 in the a.m.  How he shapes up at the same time in the evening, well, only a few know for certain!
This is Rick Wayne at 8.30 in the a.m.
How he shapes up at the same time in the evening, well, only a few know for certain!

The “him” of whom I speak; the him that suddenly everyone has rediscovered . . . as if rumors of his death were not exaggerations but truth as only our politicians can tell it . . . as if really he had died, gone to heaven and returned home, just to prove he could do it. Didn’t he say somewhere that he had discovered the secret to resurrection?

He certainly has resurrected our undead country. You can hardly turn on your radio these days without hearing from him about the prime minister’s unreliable spokespersons—declared not trustworthy by the prime minister himself.

Let’s not mention Newsspin. Clearly he has taken permanent residence there, much to Timothy Poleon’s advantage. But the folks at the other stations aren’t all stupid. On Tuesday the STAR publisher spent 90 nerve-rattling (for our politicians) minutes holding forth on the state of the nation, the state of the media, the state of, well, let’s say nothing escaped his critical tongue.

The best part was that I sat next to him at KAIRI-FM. Rick had actually dragged himself out of bed at 8.30 in the morning, put aside his iPad, forsaken the folks at Al Jazeera . . . just to be with Dale Elliott as he’d promised he’d be, wonky right leg and all.

On Thursday he revisited VENT-FM 93.5, which he says is just about the best thing that has happened to local media since, well, the arrival of the STAR seemingly a hundred years ago.

For more than thirty minutes he fielded all kinds of questions, some pretty damn personal. But then, this is a man who insists there’s nothing private about his life, so there.

And just when I, for one, thought he’d said enough for a week, there he was again on Mr. Chairman, shoving it to the nation’s best brains, the lawyers in particular, whom he described as traitors to the land that gave them birth.

And now folks are calling for the return of TALK—or something like it. As for Rick, he says he’ll continue to remain ever-faithful to the STAR, regardless of the temptations to revisit old haunts.

—-Lashawn Lambert