Local Motivational Speaker Inspires Students


Motivational speaker Pamela M Robinson is continuing to spread her message of fostering positive mindsets among the youth. As part of her campaign she has been visiting various schools to inspire the students to believe in themselves under the theme ‘I can, I must and I will’. The students and teachers have expressed their gratitude for taking such an initiative to assist the students to aspire to greatness. The schools have been so impressed that they are requesting that Ms. Robinson return for follow-up sessions.

Robinson says she is on a mission to inspire the world. She believes that we are all born with greatness within us. However, she is an advocate of the saying ‘charity begins at home’; therefore she has been offering her services free of charge to the schools.

Pamela Robinson with students of the Dame Pearlette School.
Pamela Robinson with students of the Dame Pearlette School.