Photo Of The Week 13 June 2015


Another Doctor in the House?

We couldn’t help but recall Emrand Henry’s cry for help in his song “Doctor” where he declared “this country is sick, sick, sick.” Four years later with more than enough doctors to go around, imagined or otherwise, the country remains as a woman in travail – impregnated with insurmountable problems.
Imagine our luck recently when we ran into yet another doctor and imagine that his name is Anthony. As he tells it, he is Bishop Dr. Anthony Ferdinand of the Christian Fellowship for all People. Recently, he says, he was in receipt of his Doctorate of Theology from the First Revival Bible School. Here he is with proof of the pudding, adding that in Ciceron, where he is from, there are now two doctors: “Dr. Robert Lewis and myself. I work hard for dat.”

Photo Bill Mortley