PM offers condolences

Louis George.

The Government of Saint Lucia joins the family, friends, the people of Micoud North and the supporters of the United Workers Party in mourning the death of Louis George, a former Minister for Education and Parliamentary Representative for Micoud North.

Mr. George has had a distinguished career as a politician and Minister of Government. Immediately following his election to Parliament in 1982, he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education and later, Minister for Education and Culture. In time, Labour was added to his portfolio.  He held the position of Minister for Education for nearly fourteen years, making him one of the longest serving Ministers for Education.

Between the years May, 1997 to December, 2001 he held the post of Leader of the Opposition. In those years, he was the sole opposition member in Parliament. He handled his duties with courage, balance and dignity.

Mr. George served his country with commitment and dedication.

He was a trained teacher and a trained agriculturalist.

He brought to his ministerial duties a quiet dignity, a common touch honed both by his personality and his training, particularly in teaching.

According to Prime Minister Kenny D. Anthony,

“Louis George was of my generation. Like me, he was a former student of the Vieux Fort Comprehensive Secondary School, Campus B. We sat on the same school benches. I remember that he was full of fun, and mischief. He loved a good laugh. In later years, despite the challenges of his illness, he maintained his quiet, self- effacing dignity. I salute him as a former graduate of our Alma Mata. The people of Micoud North have every reason to be proud of this son who rose to ministerial ranks.”


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