And They Say We’re Not An Inventive People!



[dropcap]S[/dropcap]o much ado about nothing! Remember? A mindless promo appears online, in the form of a press release from a hotel in which Saint Lucia’s prime minister has shareholder interests. The release is pulled mere hours after it first appeared. But not before some with their own natural interest in fake news have copied and redistributed it.


The impression created is that someone is claiming Prince Harry will be staying at the promoted hotel, named Coco Palm. Two weeks later, all hell breaks loose following an HTS poll related to conflict of interest and the prime minister.

Ah, but what started out wrong in the first place ends with smiles all around, whether or not plastic. Life’s like that. It also turns out Harry could not have graced Coco Palm with his royal presence, even if he had so desired, since the hotel’s doors were shut tight at the time of his stayover, for scheduled renovations. Pictured above, some more well intentioned fake news.

Oh, by the way, the real news is that Coco Palm isn’t really a floating hotel. And you can take that to the bank!