Prime Minister Hon Dr. Kenny Anthony will join the Ministry of Infrastructure, Port Services and Transport on Monday 1st December, 2014 in officially opening the Dierre Morne Bridge, located in his constituency of Vieux Fort South.

This comes just weeks after the Ministry officially opened the De Mailley Bridge in Vieux Fort North which was badly damaged by Hurricane Tomas in 2010.

The original bridge in Dierre Morne suffered severe damage during the passage of the Christmas Eve Trough of 2013. Severe bank erosion led to the failure of the southern abutment and south eastern wing wall, rendering the bridge unsafe to vehicular traffic.

Engineering officials within the Ministry of Infrastructure say the newly-constructed 8.3 metre, two-lane bridge has sufficient hydraulic capacity to withstand a one-in-100 year rainfall event.

The bridge, which facilitates easy access to the La Tourney cemetery, has also restored the severed link between the communities of La Resource and Dierre Morne in Vieux Fort South as a result of the trough.

In addition the bridge has been fitted with two sidewalks catering to the needs of pedestrians – a feature which Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Kenny Anthony personally requested in the design of the structure.

The project, which commenced in June of this year, was awarded to Integrated Development and Construction (IDC)
Ltd at a cost of EC$1.3 million and was delivered ahead of schedule.

The opening ceremony will be held on the site of the new bridge from 4:00 pm, and will be addressed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Port Services and Transport Hon. Philip J. Pierre and Parliamentary Representative for the area Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Kenny Anthony.