
Castries Mayor’s Address To The Nation 2018

His worship Mayor Peterson D Francis during January 16th’s Nation address.


It was around this same time that I addressed you. And for those who may question the timeframe, may I say it is better late than never according to the old adage.This year will be no different in my approach as I believe this innovative address to the nation is the most effective way to reach the masses other than the traditional address via the airwaves. While the last year brought about many successes and enormous challenges, I hope that you all showed gratitude particularly to the underprivileged.I hope that you all celebrated the many blessings God has given to us, for it is those blessings that will shine the light to our paths in 2018.

For us at the Castries Constituency Council the joy of the season was shared in every way. On December 13th, 2017, we treated the under privilege in the City of Castries by the hosting of a luncheon. In addition, we hosted a kiddie’s party for children of our staff members. We also gave our staff members a bonus while not monetary but a token in kind to express our gratitude.

Our objective to deliver accelerated and sustainable services has not changed, to be different and cater to each other. It is for you all, the underprivileged, staff members, children and members of the public. It continues with much vigor and we will continue to improve our services in order to serve you best.

As the mayor of the City of Castries, I take this opportunity to thank all for supporting us throughout the past year. I take note that in our endeavor to improve our city; sometimes our operations will inconvenience you. I’m grateful for your patience, support, the respect and everything you showed to make us feel that we are indeed leading a community of people who yearn for the best. We are on a drive to build a better city and we need you to join hands with us on this journey.

For this year, my focus will be on some key areas:

  1. Safety of citizens and visitors to Castries through a crime and security plan
  2. Development, Sanitation and Beautification


Fourteen new city police officers were sworn in December. This second consignment of city officers will serve and protect both citizens and visitors to the City of Castries. Those new recruits are an addition to the 13 seasoned constabulary officers and the 23 recruited in December 2016. Another group of 36 recruits will be appointed by the first quarter of 2018 to beef up the new batch to 50. We are working hard to get them mobile to carry out regular patrols.


Cleaning the city of Castries remains a top priority. There is the urgent need for a change of culture and the manner in which we dispose our garbage, especially in the city. We will work on a structured plan for proper waste disposal. Along with this, a green space and beautification program will be launched to beautify our city. We will see the gradual transformation of the Bananes Bay area in partnership with other stakeholders.


The plans and artistic impressions are done for the redevelopment of the Castries market. We will make the plans public and construction will begin very soon on the project. Our City Tours Program will be launched in a few days. We are steadily working on a sidewalk redevelopment program for the city sidewalks.

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This year we will launch a vendor’s registration program which will benefit all vendors vending on the sidewalks. That program will incorporate uniformed tents for all vendors, and will map-out the vending and no vending zones.

Parking terminals and vehicle clamping will be introduced. And as a matter of fact, those parking terminals are already on island. We are looking at implementation by the first quarter this year.

We will continue our school tours program which will not only assist schools with remedial works, but to also sensitize and educate about the Office of the Mayor.

Our focus and drive towards a new and cleaner Castries will be realized together with our Government and close working relationship with the Ministry of Local Government.

We have done quite a bit: from the mayor’s cup, staff gala awards, the weekly Saturday city night, and hosting of a series of activities to commemorate our 50th anniversary.

It culminates this year with the Mayor’s Ball, where part proceeds will go towards a local charity.


Is that you nurture your talent. Be at peace with each other. Have faith in this office and the Government of St. Lucia to deliver. To the men in our society, continue to respect women and children by protecting them throughout. Our youth are encouraged to excel in every way beyond your potential and stay away from alcohol, drugs, sexual activities and bad habits which contribute to a societal decay. I pray God grants us this year and many more so we are all able to come back in the New Year to continue with the work we are doing. I pray he delivers you and your loved ones. On behalf of my office and the Castries Constituency Council, I wish you all a blessed, productive and peaceful New Year. I thank you.



— Source: Office of the Mayor (Castries)

Press Release

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