Launch of the Sister2Sister Virtual Safe Space Programme

“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.”

[dropcap]D[/dropcap]espite Caribbean females having the second highest rates of HIV in the world, and the highest rate in the Americas, there are several gaps in existing research literature for young women’s risks for STIs/HIV, particularly in the OECS sub-region. Similarly, the desire for anonymity and vast perceptions of confidentiality breaches among service providers remains a huge barrier for women accessing information and services in person.

The Sister2Sister Virtual Safe Space Programme emerged as a platform to address the existing reality of our Caribbean girls and women through the creation of virtual and physical safe spaces, which will attempt to fill the gaps by complementing existing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and initiatives which currently do not reach young women; in particular those who are marginalized and/or are part of vulnerable groups.

In that light, the Herstoire Collective has been awarded a grant, under the Safe Space and Service Access for Marginalized Youth in the OECS Programme, jointly funded by the Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition (CVC) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), to implement the Sister 2 Sister Virtual Safe Space Programme- a virtual support group and safe-space platform for females aged 16-25 years old in Saint Lucia.

The goal is to create a truly integrated and inclusive space for all young women who visit and need it, to foster a local community and ecosystem where there is empathetic support, sharing of information and increased access to SRH resources, referrals, education and female empowerment practices.

The Sister2Sister Virtual Safe Space programme will run until December 2018 and encompasses various components, including but not limited to; anonymous, virtual group chats; an ongoing online forum where participants can seek expert advice on SRH issues; various blogs, videos and podcasts on pertinent SRH topics; and SRH-themed community meetings, talks and workshops.

  • Who: HERStoire Collective
  • What: Launch of the Sister2Sister Virtual Safe Space Programme
  • Why:
  1. Create and facilitate an online space in conjunction with physical meeting-space that both uphold “safe-space” values and philosophy, where young women can freely and confidently express themselves and access resources without experiencing rejection, victimization, judgment, discrimination or confidentiality breaches

     2. Break down barriers as a means of establishing access and comfort so that participants of the group no longer feel fearful. In this way, they will be empowered to freely speak up and receive the support and services that they need.

What to expect:

  • Remarks by the Minister of Health, Sen. Hon. Mary Isaac
  • Welcome Remarks by Youth Activist and Miss Saint Lucia Volunteer South 2018, Ms. Kaysia Verneuil
  • Introduction to HERSt?ire and Background of Sister 2 Sister Programme by Founder of HERSt?ire, Dr. Robyn Charlery-White
  • Artistic Expression by Volunteer Ambassador, Le’Toya Charles

Where and When: 10:00a.m., Friday, March 9, Blue Coral Conference Room, 1st Floor Blue Coral Mall, William Peter Boulevard, Castries

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For More Information Please Contact:

The HERStoire Collective – Sister2Sister Safe Space Project

Phone: (758) 285-4445/ 286-6383


About Herstoire Collective

The Herstoire Collective is a team of individuals who champion women and girls’ advancement, sexual and reproductive rights, health and wellness, with a focus on females of the Caribbean diaspora. We address the intersection of all aspects of sexual health, gender-power differentials and inequality experienced by women and youth of the Caribbean diaspora. Herstoire advocates for centering and improving the lives of Caribbean women, self-love, self-care and self-empowerment. Herstoire effectuates and inspires agents of change through interdisciplinary and multidimensional practices of Health education – Empowerment – Research – Stories.


— Source: HERStoire Collective

Press Release

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