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Sagicor spends time at the C.A.R.E sharing wisdom, technology and donation of EC$5k

Earlier this month, members of the Sagicor team spent the morning with the Centre for Adolescent Renewal and Education (C.A.R.E.) at the Anse La Raye centre sharing words of wisdom as well as presenting a donation of three fully equipped computers, two tables and a donation of EC$5,000.00 which will provide scholarships to two students of the Centre.

The morning’s activities began with Mr. Sherlon Leon, Sales Manager for Sagicor elaborating on the importance of not limiting oneself and culminated with Mr. Eon Phillips, Assistant Vice President, EC Insurance Operations, Branch Manager and Principal Representative for Sagicor, encouraging the students to not only see beyond the confines of current circumstances but take pride in themselves and embark on opportunities for self-advancement.

Mr. Phillips said, “Sagicor takes its commitment to improving the lives of those in the communities in which we operate very seriously. Over the past three years in particular, Sagicor has expanded our support in St Lucia, particularly for projects that assist and support young people. How we prepare our youth for adulthood is a critical component of future planning and Sagicor wants to play a major part in that preparation. Supporting our youth’s development in sports and education is a major pillar of our social responsibility programme and we were happy to spend the morning with the students of CARE and provide support to the further growth of the organisation.”

The students also met with Maricilia Williams, an Advisor at Sagicor who connected with the students by sharing her life’s journey and underscored the importance of persevering throughout life’s many trials and tribulations.

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At the end of the sessions Mr. Phillips presented a donation of EC$5,000 to one of the scholarship recipients for the C.A.R.E. Adolescent Development Programme, Kershel Valtie, who relayed the vote of thanks followed by Dr. Karleen Mason, Director, CARE who provided closing remarks.

In her closing remarks Dr Mason was effusive in her gratitude for Sagicor. She said, “In the 28 years that we’ve been here, we have never had a partner who has provided the support and hope that Sagicor has provided. We are looking forward to other companies emulating what you have started here with us. We thank you because partnerships like this redound to the benefit of all of our centres in St Lucia.”

The Centre for Adolescent Renewal and Education (CARE) was formed in 1993 and has as its mission to help disadvantaged and marginalized youth take advantage of their lives through a programme geared toward the promotion of self-empowerment. At the end of the C.A.R.E. programme, the adolescents would have achieved, improved communication and inter-personal skills, greater literacy and numeracy skills, a deeper level of self-worth and self-awareness, positive attitudes towards work and work-related situations, a deeper understanding of parenting and family life and practical training in an income-bearing skill. Participants in the programme participate in two phases: the Adolescent Development Programme and the Skills Training Programme.

STAR Reporter

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