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Sharon’s Black Bottle Art

Sharon Williams-Black has recently set her sights on the arts with a special focus on helping the environment with the launch of her business Black Bottle Art. In an effort to ensure that less waste bottles reach our landfill or end up washed up on any random beach on the island, Sharon has been recycling used wine and liquor glass bottles, literally turning trash into treasure. Earlier this week she launched two new lines, adding to her recently-established small business: one collection to honour love and lovers with a Valentines line of vases, and another to commemorate Saint Lucia’s upcoming observance of its 37th anniversary of Independence.

The Valentine collection features three types of vase to display the beautiful flowers that most women receive on Valentine’s Day. For this collection Sharon has teamed up with another local – a young Pastry Chef, Talisa Decembre – whose pastries and goodies will be highlighted in Black Bottle Art’s commemoration of Valentine’s Day. What better way to show love than with Decembre’s very own recipe presented in nothing less than a fresh guava, scooped out to form a sumptuous shell that is filled with guava cheesecake? Or a strudel tart filled with local golden apple that is now in season?

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A sample of Sharon’s Black Bottle Art.

The Independence line features the island’s national colours and her interpretation of the joy and pride felt by Saint Lucians in their island and its sovereignty. Sharon hopes that this line will be featured at local business places, banks, government offices as well as in people’s homes as they demonstrate their national pride that is heightened around Independence Day. You can see Black Bottle Art’s collections of objets d’art in the name of love and national pride at an exhibition today Saturday, January 30, 2016 upstairs Il Pappa (Key Largo) in Rodney Bay from 10:00 a.m.

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