Looshan Mas hits the streets!






It was soolyay and more soolyay on the road, Carnival Monday and Tuesday as Ricky T’s “Mas Attack” seemed poised to run away with the Road March title to make it three in a row for him this year. The Soca bard who won the Groovy Soca Monarch title with “Forty Days” and the Power Soca Monarch with “Mas Attack” on Saturday evening, seemed the most likely contender for the Road March title as well, which will be announced here later today (Wednesday).

Also embracing number three was Menel on Sunday evening, when she won the Calypso Monarch title for the third time. Not even a cameo by former Tourism Minister Allen Chastanet on stage with Pep could stave the lyrical “cockma” and dynamism of Menel who slew all with her songs “Kenny is King” and “So So Love.” The Calypso final, which was held at BCG paved the way for a number of Carnival fetes including Just 4 Fun’s Blue Devils and Red Dawn leading into J’ouvert through the streets of Castries early Monday morning.

On carnival Monday a dozen or so carnival bands created mass congestion and bottle-necks along the routes as they presented their costumes from Choc to Castries. The breakdown of the Rituals Carnival Band truck along the highway did not help the free flow of reveler traffic either. And with the police seemingly boxing revelers in by avoiding trouble spots of past years (on Chaussee road and Chisel street) revelers were left with a shorter city route, much to the disappointment of some.

Officially “Lucian carnival” came to an end here on Tuesday evening with the last lap jump up through the city. However one event, the inter-commercial house calypso competition which had to be postponed last week ahead of Tropical Storm Chantal, will take place tomorrow night at the National Cultural Center.










Check out the weekend STAR and 2Nite Magazine for more Lucian carnival highlights!


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