Outrageous Sexy in Black 2015 will be a ‘Big People Party’


The best of Caribbean soca artistes are expected to hit the stage on July 17th at this year’s ‘Outrageous Sexy in Black’. The carnival mainstay is a signature event from popular local radio station, The Wave. At a press launch, Country Manager Sue Monplaisir explained the thought process behind the unusually early revelation of the line-up: “This year we thought, ‘How are we going to do this differently? How are we going to present ‘Outrageous Sexy in Black 2015’?’ We thought, ‘You know what? Why not during jazz?’ So we decided ‘Let’s party and start the fete.’ Just 4 Fun did it. They launched a few months earlier. So we decided to do the real kickoff during jazz.”

The Wave Country Manager Sue Monplaisir with Farmer Nappy at last week’s launch of ‘Outrageous Sexy In Black’.
The Wave Country Manager Sue Monplaisir with Farmer Nappy at last week’s launch of ‘Outrageous Sexy In Black’.
Scheduled to perform are Barbadian duo Lead Pipe and Saddis, who enjoyed a very successful Trinidad carnival season with their smash ‘Ah Feeling’. Trinidad’s 2015 Groovy Monarch Olatunji Yearwood will be on the bill, with fans sure to warm up to crowd favourite ‘Ola’. Also on tap is Fadda Fox with the official anthem of truant employees, ‘Ducking’. On island for the launch was another crowd pleaser, Farmer Nappy, who spent years as a key cog in the Machel Montano and Xtatik juggernaut. Nappy penned several hits for the soca king before embarking on his own foray into the spotlight, putting out hits like ‘Aroused’, ‘My House’ and ‘Big People Party’; the latter of which spawned a bit of friction with a well-known St Lucian artist.

In his remarks, Farmer Nappy did not shy away from addressing the brouhaha: “I would like to say thank you very much for having me back in St. Lucia. Last year I was not able to come because there was a controversy with ‘Big People Party’, Farmer Nappy and Teddyson John. We mended it in New York City at the Brooklyn Museum. You know it was just a coincidence someone sold me a song in Trinidad not knowing that Teddyson had involvement with the music. But it’s not to say that St. Lucian people did not want Farmer last year. Because when I didn’t come to the show people start calling and asking, ‘Why you wasn’t there?’ I chose not to come because I wanted to quiet down the bacchanal. But this year is ‘Big People Party’ in my house so that is why I am here.”

Sponsors include KFC, Piton Beer, St. Lucia Distillers and title sponsor LIME.

LIME Marketing & Communications Executive, Sharlene Jn Baptiste, shared why the company has consistently continued with its support: “LIME has been a sponsor of ‘Outrageous Sexy in Black’ for many years because we see the value in the event. It is actually an event which has set the stage for many others that followed and we are very happy to say that we were involved and still are involved in one of the first events of its kind. Every year it’s something to look forward to. I think the idea of being an event that influenced even how people dressed at the time was the first of its kind and we have seen others follow suit after that.”

Early bird tickets went on sale during the jazz festival and Monplaisir is urging stragglers to get on board quickly: “For those persons who know they’re going to be there, you know you want to be there; don’t wait until the last minute.”

She added that this is just a teaser to whet appetites and patrons should stay tuned for more surprises.

“You will get the best of St. Lucian artistes. When I say the best, I mean the best. We’ll get the best of Trini soca artistes, we’ll get the best of Bajan soca artistes; just the best you can expect for 2015 when you head down to Gaiety grounds carnival Friday.”

Farmer Nappy was equally effusive: “Trust me; ‘Outrageous Sexy in Black’ will be off the hook.”