SALCC Student Speaks out on School Arrests


Over the last few weeks, some of us students of the SALCC have been watching with great interest how the arrest of our four (4) colleagues has been unfolding.  It is with outrage that we note the handling of this issue by the management of the college.
Four boys were caught by the school’s security with a marijuana joint, but rather than follow the norm (as per the school’s rules on this matter) of the school taking disciplinary action against those students, the College chose instead to instruct the police to arrest the boys.  So many of us have been caught smoking a joint and as first offenders (like our 4 colleagues) we have been cautioned and suspended by the College.
Many of us have learnt our lesson and have discontinued marijuana use but those episodes have never made the news.  The fact that on this occasion that one of the students is the son of a prominent person in this country does not give anyone the right to use him as a punching bag and try to bring him down just to embarrass his father.          The College should have treated those students in exactly the same manner as so many other students who had committed a first offence of having $5 worth of weed in their possession (as per the school rules) for dear reader; this punishment just does not fit the crime.
We expect adults to exercise greater self control and resist the temptations to engage in payback tactics having no regard for who they destroy in the process.  Mature adults must stay clear of allowing personal vendettas to consume them, thereby causing them to exercise poor judgment in decision making.  We also note with interest an article in the Star newspaper referencing “preferential treatment of the young man” and asking why the Commissioner of Police had not named him.  Like vultures, his pound of flesh is being sought after for $5 worth of weed because of who his father is.  For God’s sake, there were three other students involved.  Does anybody care whether they are even alive!  And for all you clueless parents who have quickly boarded the gossip train, beware! For your little angle might very well be the drug dealer.
What kind of sick society is this?  It is no wonder that we young people choose not to return to this country after we have completed our studies abroad.  You adults are hell bent on destroying rather than building.  Let us not forget that it is the young people of today who will be the lawyers, Government Ministers and Judges of tomorrow, and it is we who will be deciding whether we temper justice with mercy; of that you can be sure of!
—SALCC Student

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