Update in Gobat Case


We have been reliably informed that police are on the verge of an arrest and laying charges in the Gobat case. All efforts to obtain police confirmation have proven futile. Don’t miss Rick Wayne’s, “Why are local journalists always the last to know?” in this Saturday’s STAR.


  1. the police department is full of shit, they keep saying over and over they have not made an identification so this begs the question can you arrest someone for the murder of someone you don’t know. I’m charging you for the murder of john doe, for the size of St.Lucia we have to many secrets everything is a secret. That is what leads to corruption. Stop Lying to people you bunch of incompetents.

  2. Gobat case? According to the Government the body has not been identified! What a bunch of incompetent political poseurs. Anything to hide, obsfucate and deflect from their incompetence.

  3. Oh well !! Not a bit surprise. Are you suprise Learie ?? Oh toni where are thou old chap are you suprise ?? Like I have said and continue to say and have never been proven wrong (1) Whats your last name (2) Who do you know politically or of influence (3) Where do you live ? (4) Are you British or American ? And to think some are crying out their hearts about the Lapo Forensic Lab for speedy police work and investigative conclusions. I mean like really, the alligator tears and are really for whom ? When you come to think of it ; the fact of the matter is all you really need in St Lucia is any of the above four .

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