2nd Annual ‘Love Elevated’ Saint Lucia Wedding Symposium 2014


This week, the Saint Lucia Tourist Board will be hosting the 2nd annual Love Elevated, Saint Lucia Wedding Symposium from September 2428, 2014. As an important niche within the Tourism sector, the event seeks to further position Saint Lucia as a romance destination and to promote the island’s local wedding service supply market to regional and international travel agents and wedding planners.

Approximately 50 travel Agents and wedding planners from the US, Canada, UK and the Caribbean will be visiting the island during the course of this week to participate in the event and to conduct property tours and visit the various sites and attractions. It is expected that they will take away some meaningful experiences and invaluable information about Saint Lucia’s Weddings Industry, not only from the experts we have invited to speak at the Symposium but also through their interaction with the local service providers.

This year, we are particularly excited about new elements to the Symposium. We will for the first time be hosting an Interactive online session called #WEDDINGMARKET chat, which interacts with customers using Twitter. The SLTB is particularly encouraging Social Media savvy press members to attend this session. Interested press members can contact myself, (P.R. Manager) for information on how to participate.

New aspects will also include a LIVE COOKING DEMONSTRATION with our very own CHEF NINA COMPTON-MILLER, Saint Lucia’s Culinary Ambassador, and a FULL DAY TRADE EXHIBITION specifically geared at local consumers.

We look forward to yet another successful event this year and thanks in advance for your support and assistance in putting on this event.