More hot air from politicians as rape figures rise

The bedrock of Saint Lucian society has disappeared. Sadly nothing will change while the entire justice system is on its knees or, more accurately, on its backside. Whilst the police are demoralised, the lab non-functioning, the courts closed, politicians immune, what deterrents are there for would-be criminals? Nobody seems to care enough to make something positive happen to reduce crimes. And in the meantime more people fester in BCF, and victims and their families suffer without closure.

Who is going to take responsibility for these problems or is it now too big a challenge for any party to take on?

Not until the fickle finger of fate knocks at the door of a politician will anything be done.

– Anne Pearson

“Fit Defence” to the rescue of St. Lucian women

Well this is life in the Caribbean in 2015. Nothing much can be done about it except to educate women on protecting themselves.
– King Majesty


Rape outrage continues

Words, words and more words from the PM. Truth is, actions speak louder than words, but little action occurs.

Note – no date mentioned about reopening of lab. And then what about the backlog there?

Is it possible to have any continuity with the regular changes in police personnel, to say nothing of cuts to funding?

What is happening with the courts and justice system? Any info on when that will return to ‘normal’ or even improve?

These rape cases are tragic. Strength to victims.
– Anne Pearson

Saudis bearing Looshans passports: Tip of the Viceberg?

What’s new? Saint Lucia for sale by Kenny and Co. These same dishonourable politicians are the very ones asking us honourable Saint Lucians to trust them with the issue of economic citizenship with the promise of due diligence in the granting of same. Ouch! Why do I feel I am losing my soul without me committing one sin? Why don’t we call a spade a spade? What we have for a government and a governing party is not a political institution but a criminal gang of mafia disguised as politicians, When will we awake? There is a lot that stinks in high places in Saint Lucia, and it starts at the heart of government: the PM’s office.

– John Joseph (Padre Joe)

Once again, the Kenny regime keeps embarrassing our country. This guy knew what was coming from this divorce and he used this country
to be a shield. It is obvious he bought the government with his money. Shame on you Kenny! Come out and tell the people what the deal entails.

– Shane Omac

I am a British holiday-maker considering a return visit to Saint Lucia. I have searched online and asked my Saint Lucia contacts about airport security preparedness in the light of the Russian plane bomb as well as the massacre in Paris. I have been appalled at the complacency.

It also seems apparent that Saint Lucia is letting Syrians, etc into the country without adequate security checks .

I have cancelled my next business/holiday in Saint Lucia.

– A. John