Crime Prevention Tips


If you own a business, particularly one that deals in cash, there is a good chance that one day it may be robbed. You, your employees and possibly your customers could be faced with a very dangerous situation during a robbery.
We cannot list specific measures that will protect you from every threatening situation, which may arise.
Instead, we hope to teach you how to think “Crime Prevention” in day-to-day living.

Robbery Prevention Tips for Businesses:

• Always have two or more employees open and close the business accompanied by a security guard.
• Use surveillance cameras behind the cash register and facing out to the front of the counter.
• Also, install surveillance cameras in areas where a person could hide.
• Keep the outside doors in backrooms locked when not in use.
• Keep low cash balance in the cash registers.
• Make regular bank deposits of excess money.
• Vary the times and routes used to go to the bank to make deposits.
• Avoid sending one person to the bank with a deposit.
• Do not carry the deposit openly in a deposit bag.
• Avoid hanging signs or putting displays on windows or around the sales counter that will obstruct the view of the register.
• In areas that are blocked by shelving, walls or other obstructions, hang conclave (curved) mirrors.
• Do careful reference checks on employees that are hired.
• Have policies in place concerning employees’ friends or relatives hanging around the business.
• Customers should be greeted when they enter the business and train employees to make eye contact and engage with the customers. An alert staff can quickly deter a would-be robber.
• Train employees not to take risks, but to call the police if they see suspicious people inside or lurking outside of the business.


The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force encourages business owners to upgrade their security level, especially during this festive season.