Police Commissioner’s Christmas Message


As we celebrate the festive season, we, The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force would like to sincerely thank the citizens of Saint Lucia for the contribution they have made towards the maintenance of law and order. We will undertake to ensure that our success continues into the New Year. Regardless of who we are, crime affects us all. This is why it is paramount that the Police and the Citizenry sustain its relationship in the fight against crime. We cannot over emphasize the importance of community involvement in the continued battled against those who wish to destabilize the peace and tranquility of this lovely country.

Thus far, we have been able to experience tremendous success in managing crime. This success is attributed to various new crime fighting strategies implemented this year and also the unwavering assistance given by the public. We have also experienced a decrease in traffic fatalities and accidents resulting in serious personal injuries. For this, we say thank you to the motoring public.


I would like to thank the hardworking and resilient men and women of the RSLPF for their continued dedication to duty. Your performance for the year has been one worthy of note. I would also like to thank our law enforcement partner agencies for their continued support. You augment our organization by being eyes where we can’t see and ears where we can’t hear.

Thanks to the numerous Non-Governmental Organizations around the island. I encourage you to continue the good social work that you undertake. You reach out to the social consciousness of our people, giving them hope for a better and brighter future. Thank you to the Media for the constructive role that you have played in the dissemination of information to members of the public. To you who will be celebrating Christmas may you have the joy, blessing and contentment of this occasion. Ensure that you celebrate in moderation, not forgetting tomorrow. On behalf of the Executive and other members of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

By: Commissioner Errol Alexander



  1. People let us all repent of our past and accept the Lord Jesus as our savior and Lord.
    Then Life on the island will be better when God is in control.
    Celebrate if you wish to but do not forget the Lord for his kindness.
    Praise the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!


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