Saint Lucians are mourning the loss of comedian and businessman Dexter “Dry Bones” Felix, who was fatally shot last night in Sarrot. The shooting incident occurred at about 11:00 pm and it also resulted in the death of another male, Francis Altenor . Leading Firefighter Stacy Joseph told the STAR that on arrival on the scene, “emergency personnel found one male individual lying face down on the ground, in the company of the Police and bystanders. A rapid assessment revealed that the patient was pulseless and breathless with several wounds on his body. CPR was immediately initiated.”

Another male individual “was found lying on his side in a dwelling house. An assessment revealed that he also had several wounds on his body. He was given oxygen and his wounds were treated.”
Both males were transferred to an ambulance and transported to Owen King European Union hospital. “Both patients were monitored en route, however, no improvement in their status was noted. They were left in the care of medical practitioners,” Joseph noted.
Over the years, Felix frequently collaborated with fellow comedian Kiedel Sonny in the ‘Radio out and Bad’ group, bringing laughter to many Saint Lucians. Felix was an avid motorcycle rider, worked as a photographer, and operated a tour company Lucian Vybes Adventures. In a statement today the Association of Professional Photographers St. Lucia (APPS), bid farewell to their colleague: “With heavy hearts we offer the family of Dexter Felix our condolences. You are all in our prayers. Dry Bones has been a pioneer for visuals especially in comedy and performing arts. Thank you for the memories, the laughs, and we will cherish your legacy!”
In a Facebook post mere hours before the incident, Felix wrote: “Everyday I’m thankful for life.”