The tangled web of lies and deceit which the SLP and its surrogates attempt to spread is an insult to the people of Saint Lucia who only two months ago booted them out of office. Yesterday, August (Thursday) I said to a radio news reporter that I support the multi-million dollar investment recently signed by Prime Minister Allen Chastanet. I elaborated thus: 1) The investment offers jobs to Saint Lucians. 2) The deal was negotiated by the former government and their technocrats. 3) If there are questions to be answered these should be directed at those who negotiated the deal. 3) In 1997, John Compton had finalized a deal for construction of a Hyatt hotel at Pigeon Point. An election that year resulted
in a change of government. Within weeks the new hotel started construction under
the new SLP government.
Not a word, not a word, not a word was heard from anyone. 4) I had only two questions for those who designed and negotiated the project: was any provision made for the new water the project would consume? Secondly, is there a plan to develop Hewanorra Airport for the anticipated increase passenger traffic as a result of this project? How can anyone call these four points a criticism of the Allen Chastanet Government? I am on record saying (and writing) that every civilized country allows a new government at least 100 days before journalists and others can reasonably critique the work and direction of a new regime.
Last week on Timothy Poleon’s ‘News Maker Live’ (DBS-TV), I stated that every liar first deceives himself or herself. Every criminal act begins with a lie. And the Holy Bible informs us that Satan is the greatest liar. So we should not be surprised that Satan and his surrogates are still active in the politics of our country. We must continue to reject in the strongest possible way the spirit of evil with its tangled web of lies and deceit.

Why should he keep his mouth shut, he is speaking the truth. It is all of you labour hacks that need to keep your flappers shut!