They call themselves the Baby Bees but, if things go according to plan, they will cause quite a buzz in years to come with the St Lucia Rugby Football Union (SLRFU). The Baby Bees were recently practising at the La Clery playing field under the watchful eyes of Vice President of the SLRFU, Lyndel Norville and Organiser of Baby Bees rugby for children, Mina Espeleta.
What are the Baby Bees all about? Norville said: “It has been an ongoing programme we’ve had for a little while, trying to get youngsters from the age of five and up involved in getting a feel for what rugby is all about? Particpants who attended practices on a regular basis and maintained a high academic standard were rewarded prior to the practice session. Five youngsters were presented with school bags.

“It’s an initiative that we looked at, where persons who attended training on a regular basis and continue their academic performance off the field get recognized,” said Norville. “In the past we also made presentations to parents who received bursaries for their children. Again it is another one of these things we hope to continue. We are not just about the sport of rugby, but looking at the person as a whole in terms of what else they are looking to pursue to keep this family of rugby players together.
Espeleta, along with her friend Signa President, started Baby Bees rugby three years ago. While the adult rugby games and practices were taking place, they noticed there were quite a few children on the sidelines, watching. The SLRFU took note and they are now members. She admits that it has been slow getting more players to come out, but expects numbers to increase when the Baby Bees rugby creates even a bigger buzz.even a bigger buzz.