Commerce Minister Bradley Felix has announced that ban on the sale of alcohol will be lifted from Friday, May 8. Addressing the ban at a press conference today, May 7, Felix said that there were several factors which had to be considered in cabinet’s decision making. Chief among considerations, he said, was whether the population had understood the need to practice social distancing. Another factor which had to be considered was the need to balance maintaining the gains made in limiting the spread of COVID-19, and minimizing the impact on the local beverage manufacturing sector.

Commerce Minister Bradley Felix

The minister said that government was generally pleased with the cooperation from most Saint Lucians but acknowledge there are some who continue to breach the protocols. “As of this coming Friday 8th May, 2020, the government of Saint Lucia will reinstate liquor licenses in Saint Lucia for the sale of alcoholic beverages. This measure will allow for the sale of alcohol by only licensed businesses from the list of approved businesses that are currently permitted to operate under Statutory Instrument SI 56 of 2020,” he said.

These businesses include: supermarkets, mini marts, small grocery shops, wholesalers and gas stations. Felix warned that the resumption of the sale of alcoholic beverages will be governed by strict protocols.

The protocols are as follows:
-There shall be no loitering, assembling or socializing at the business premises where alcohol is sold and purchased
-There shall be no consumption of alcohol at the place of purchase
-Alcohol sales can only take place within the hours of 7:00 am- 6:00pm
-The public is also reminded that a person who contravenes the Emergency Powers Disasters COVID-19 Curfew Order commits an offence, and is liable to imprisonment with or without hard labor for a term not exceeding 6 months, or a fine not exceeding $1000 or both.

“Therefore, as we lift the ban on the sale of alcohol, we urge Saint Lucians to drink responsibly. Keep in mind we are still in the battle against COVID-19, and it’s only by adhering to the protocols we will be successful. I thank you and I wish all a wonderful Mother’s Day,” the minister said.