Bordelais Chief Responds to Allegations of Misconduct


Bordelais has strict policy against fraternizing

The Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF), in keeping with policy which is consistent not only in this jurisdiction but internationally, permits absolutely no fraternizing among inmates as well as among inmates and staff.

The institution engages strict procedures to ensure that there is minimal contact among   the female and male population of the prison. These measures include the following: the female unit by its very design and physical location stands as a separate, secured unit on the compound.

Males and females are segregated. Male correctional officers are not permitted to enter the female residential area nor are they detailed to work on the female unit.

Therefore the facility categorically disassociates itself from allegations leveled at the BCF, which allude to a female remand detainee having been recently pregnant or having miscarried a pregnancy. The inmate, as confirmed by the Director Mr. Hilary Herman, had been scheduled for treatment at Victoria Hospital and was simply admitted and supervised by police officers in keeping with normal procedure.

“There is no such case” stated Mr. Herman. “There is a health care center located at the Bordelais Correctional Facility which is staffed by two registered nurses and four health aides. While routine medicals are undertaken at the health care center, there are situations which require referrals to the Dennery, St.Jude and Victoria Hospitals or the National Mental Wellness Centre as the case may be. The service of a psychiatrist is made available to the facility once a month. There are currently 46 mentally ill inmates or detainees at the prison.”

The Bordelais Correctional Facility is charged with the responsibility to ensure that the health needs and requirements of inmates are adequately addressed.


–Ministry of Home Affairs


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