Angelina Polius, Jacinta Lee and Marcella Johnson were a short while ago sworn in as senators in Saint Lucia’s Upper House. Polius was sworn in as a Government senator whilst Lee and Johnson, as temporary Independent senators.
A sitting was scheduled for yesterday (Thursday) and present were Government senators Mary Isaac, Hermangild Francis, Francisco Jn. Pierre and Fortuna Belrose. Angelina Polius, who was supposed to be sworn in, was also in attendance.

For the Opposition, Senator Guibion Ferdinand was absent, as well as Lisa Jawahir and Terrence St. Clair— who were also to be sworn in. Independent Senators Adrian Augier and Mauricia Thomas- Francis were absent. Senate President Jeannine Giraudy-McIntyre indicated that the sitting could not have taken place, because there was no quorum.
Another sitting was subsequently scheduled for today, Friday. The circumstances were the same: the Government’s four senators were present, and all Opposition and Independent senators were a no show. However, the sitting went ahead.
It began with the swearing in of Polius, Lee and Johnson, following which President Giraudy-McIntyre announced that Augier and Thomas-Francis had informed her that they were unwell and unable to attend. She stated that she also received letters of absence from Opposition senators.

The President announced: “Senators, notice of a meeting of the Senate for 10:00 AM today was circulated to all senators, so that the business of the Senate can be conducted. One of the items of the business of the Senate this morning is public bills, of which the COVID-19 Bill forms part. I have received letters of excuse from the Opposition senators; I have received letters from the Independent Senators, to the effect that they are both ill. And I am advised by the Governor General that he too has received letters stating that the Independent Senators are ill. He [the Governor General] has temporarily appointed senators for today’s sitting.
“In light of the world pandemic and after consultation with the medical fraternity, I am satisfied that without the laws embodied in the COVID-19 Bill, the country would be exposed to the introduction of COVID-19 and the creation of a national crisis. I have consulted with the legal fraternity and I am satisfied that the spirit of the Constitution would be denied, if the country is not able to legislate for the protection of the health and safety of our citizens.
“In light of the above, and after prayer, consultation, careful consideration, appeal to Opposition and Independent senators, and out of necessity, I proceeded with the swearing in of the temporary senators so that the sitting can take place. Welcome senators, I trust that your sojourn with us will be productive and enjoyable,” Senate President Giraudy-McIntyre said.