The City Police Department last week concluded the first three-day training programme on effective communication. The exercise, conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), focused on best practices in effective communication. The facilitators, Miss Shannon Innocent, Patrol Officer and the Deputy DPP Mr. Stephen Brette, also gave lectures to the attendees on handling crime.

In addition, lessons on basic and effective communications, legal matters and essential elements of organizations were taught. Mayor Peterson D. Francis is hoping that the officers will implement what they have learnt during the course.

“The training is aimed at providing each and every one of your City Police Officers with the knowledge, skills and attitudes so that they will be better able to accomplish their role within the department and within the wider society. From the inception of the City Police Department we have provided training through the Police Training Academy. Self-defense, investigation techniques and drug enforcement were topics covered on separate occasions. Our responsibility is to keep the city safe. While it is a very challenging time for law enforcement officers, there is a need to build relationships through critical partnerships.”

In the coming days officers will be trained in statement recording and file compilation.