CMO: Non-Adherence to COVID Protocols Main Reason for Rise in Cases


In a release yesterday the Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. Sharon Belmar-George continued to lament that “Based on contact tracing data, the majority of the cases are acquired from non-adherence to recommended protocols”. The CMO, in her address, noted “excessive social activity especially on weekends even during curfew hours”.

The CMO further went on, “The contact tracing team has informed of positive cases providing false contact information, withholding their place of employment and contacts. This prevents us from tracing and testing in a timely manner. The Respiratory Hospital also reports that many persons remain at home with respiratory signs and symptoms for extended periods and only access care at the critical stage which leads to poor outcomes.”

She encouraged persons who were feeling unwell to visit Respiratory Clinics or Hospital nearest them.

Chief Medical Officer Dr. Sharon Belmar-George

“We advise the public to access care at the Respiratory Clinics or Respiratory Hospital if unwell. Signs and symptoms of concern include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, tightness or pain to the chest, feeling weak, pale or blue colored skin, lips or nail beds. If you have chronic conditions, please get reviewed by a health care practitioner. Positive cases in home care are reminded that they are not to leave their place of isolation. They contact the home monitoring team or health care provider via telephone with any concerns. Family members and friends are advised to deliver groceries and needs to those persons who are positive in a safe manner. By supporting each other we will get out of this.”

“We continue to ask the public to work with us and exhibit responsible behavior to manage this fourth wave. Let us all take personal responsibility to keep ourselves and families safe. At present we have available both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine free of charge in-country at the various wellness centers. These vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective in protecting persons from developing COVID-19, its severe forms, complications, hospitalizations and death.”

“With the high level of community spread noted in-country at this point, we continue to advise the public to remain vigilant. Adhere to the protocols that are put in place to keep us safe. These include regular hand washing, use of face masks in public places, avoiding crowds and persons with respiratory symptoms and keeping frequently touched surfaces clean. The Ministry of Health and Wellness will continue providing updates to the public as new information becomes available.”