Court Notice: CASE NUMBER PT-2020-001003


Court Notice

CASE NUMBER: PT-2020-001003

In the matter of an application for a declaration of the presumed death of MS CATHERINE BAPTISTE otherwise CATHERINA SMITH NEE BAPTISTE formerly known as CATHERINE RICHARDS

Ms Iris Lawrence a surviving sister of Mr Peter James Smith who died on 2 April 2020 has made an application to the High Court to declare Ms Catherine Baptiste otherwise Ms Catherina Smith Nee Baptiste formerly known as Catherine Richards, formerly married to Mr Smith, be presumed deceased at midnight on 21 December 2011. She lived with Mr Smith at 30 Cressington Close, Stoke Newington, London N16 8AN until their divorce on 4 August 2004.

Please contact the Claimant’s legal representative Geoffrey Goldkorn on +4420 3427 5710 or quoting reference LAW037/001 if you have knowledge of her.

Stokoe Partnership Solicitors

Claimant’s Legal Representative

2nd Floor, 1-3 Staple Inn

London WC1V 7QH