Ask my friends. When I saw the sea of red sardines on Jeremie Street, some with masks, a frightening number without, and when I heard the yelling and imagined the mass of decibel-derived droplets which must have pervaded the Castries Market Steps space, I predicted we would quite likely be getting bad news in another 7-10 days. By the way, just as an aside, let me state what should by now be patently obvious to those who know me: I certainly did not spend one second of my Sunday watching the carnival in real time. Rather, I received a whole lot more than I wished to see from the ever-generous evening newscasts.

Later, when trumped-up opposition to the COVID Bill swelled from various quarters, much of it predictable, most of it creepily baffling, I again said to my friends: “Never mind. If they’re too unthinking—nay, dumb—to understand now, they will soon enough!” Alas, the less reckless, right-thinking rest of the country stood to pay the price.
So come this week, and the bad news is here. The nation is addressed by our Prime Minister and our CMO. I am most disappointed, for I hear no reference whatsoever to the protest march and rally in question, attended by highly irresponsible members of this society who clearly placed their selfish aspirations ahead of the nation’s well-being.
Once again, neither our CMO nor our much too kind, non-confrontational PM referenced that rally or pointed fingers, something which was surely indicated. And what does he get in return for his ultra civility and caution? The customary nastiness from those obsessed with him, who would like to see him removed by any means from the face of the earth. And that, conceivably, so they might have the opportunity to lead Saint Lucians to their doom, even as they flourish. Can you imagine where we would be with our destinies in such dangerous hands?
These are clearly violent types: guilty, angry, power-hungry people—arch hypocrites all, who have banded together to tear down this country. It’s also clear, as thankfully many of all rungs of this society have realised, that they are doing everything possible to provoke a high-level physical confrontation, with their usual low-level tactics, so that they have something more to rail and flail about, file lawsuits every which way, and receive ongoing, often gratuitous, publicity.
As another week dawns, tensions rise among those intent on murdering always vulnerable Helen. We see harbinger displays of anarchy, such as the assault on private property in Soufriere and on its security personnel. These are obviously people who will stop at nothing. And to those, supposedly decent professionals who’ve been courting them, assisting at their altars of airwave vileness, I hope you have begun to see what those assassins are bent on doing to lil’ ole Saint Lucia and its people, including you and yours.
Are you, so-called who-knows-what beings, going to continue to be led towards your destruction until it’s too late? Can’t you see these are dangerous people without morals, but only an abiding—usually purely political— voraciousness in their pores, which motivates their weaponization of everything ethical and well-meaning? And nothing is ever enough or good enough for them, never mind their own uselessness and incompetence.
I continue to ask: When, oh when, did so many Saint Lucians change into a herd of ignoramuses and ingrates? Still, I am heartened to be able to say that my wide circle of friends and acquaintances of all shades, creeds, levels of education and denominations totally concurs. We are determined not to see our futures sacrificed on an altar of ignorance and ingratitude!