Situation Report by Saint Lucia’s Deputy Fire Chief George Victorin:
We’ve received quite a few reports throughout the island of damages and most of it has to do with damaged roofs, fallen trees or branches and even downed electrical power lines. And most of them we’ve not been able to make a response but in Soufriere for example just about 9:30, we were able to assist an elderly couple whose roof collapsed near the church in Soufriere, and we were able to rescue them into shelter and one of them was able to go to family members.

But we are still getting reports of persons being out there in the open moving around, so we want to encourage these persons please stay indoors because you are likely to find yourselves in trouble if you go out on the road.
But all our stations are up and functioning and so if you need assistance, you can call the stations in your immediate community. But keep in mind that there are some calls that we’ll not be able to respond to immediately because of the conditions on the ground.
Superintendent Elvis Thomas also pleaded with citizens to remain indoors. “Please stay indoors! There is nothing at the moment that will require us to be outside. We received some reports this morning of some establishments asking individuals to report to work; this is not allowed. The all clear has not been given. You are actually putting persons in danger. And so we want persons to remain indoors until the all clear has been given. The only persons who are expected to be out at this point in time are emergency service personnel.”