

Trust the troops to swamp us with responses whenever a Flashback teaser comprises beautiful women—as does our latest. To be absolutely candid, even though I recalled some of the faces, I had a very hard time placing names to them. For instance I know that beauty fifth from left is a St Omer, but fry me for fish if I can say for sure which one of Dunstan St Omer’s daughter’s she might be. The one who placed in the Miss World, perhaps? Or is that Digna, as gorgeous today as she was when I took the picture at La Toc Beach in the late 80s.

Then there’s the bubbly lady third from left. I had the great pleasure of photographing her several times for commercial purposes. Cute, but her name slips me now. Then there’s the lady in stripes front row extreme right. Memorable face, but again I cannot name her. In any event, our readers poured out the names including Cecilia, front row and prominent, whose smitten husband wrote to us from overseas for more pictures.

And here comes the sad part: I really should’ve looked a bit closer. I certainly would’ve recognized Brenda Miller, whom I photographed a hundred times since she was such a great model. Alas, she left St Lucia for New York, disappeared, only to be resurface in a suitcase: a victim of domestic violence!

A final plea: will the ladies pictured so beautifully put us out of our misery and identify themselves? I’m especially interested in the model third from left back row. We’d also like to know what you’ve all been up to. As I recall, this may have had something to do with a local queen show. Only back then our studio was outdoors, vulnerable to sun and rain and clouds. By the way, so which of these wonders of nature is Sharon Brown, as so many readers claimed? Dammit, I ought to be able to recognize her from the picture. She’s been a friend for years!    — R.W

And now, take your chances with our new shot from the past!—Rick Wayne