
Last Week’s Flashback centered on three smiling faces at an awards dinner back in 1991. The gentleman on the left is none other than Malcolm Burns who back then was the Managing Director of COURTS and a great friend of sports in Saint Lucia as well as an avid domino player. In the middle is Helena Renee (now Emmanuel) who was a star netball player for Saint Lucia and who represented her island well. Next to her is Gislena (now Gislena Burns). What can we say, other than receiving their prestigious awards for netball in 1991 from Mr. Burns that they both tied the knot only in the case of Gislena, Malcolm Burns became the lucky chap.



No doubt about it, the two hands apparently are locked in friendship, but note the fire in their eyes. No doubt their respective owners have done a lot of washing in the waters under the bridge that we hear so much about but know not its precise location, despite the stench emanating from it. But enough of that. Our question is: Do you know the occasion when this historic photograph was taken? Additionally, who does the obscured face belong to? Visit the STAR website at www.stluciastar.com or our Facebook page to post your comments.



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