Last week’s flashback was the funeral of Allan Bousquet, former minister of Education and Babonneau MP, where former PM Vaughan Lewis and Kenny Anthony met face to face. There they were shaking hands like old pals although at the time they sat on opposite sides of the political fence. Today all that is red ribbons blowing over the bridge as Vaughan Lewis has joined team Kenny Anthony as a foreign affairs advisor.
Say what you like about him, call him a chama-chama-chama-chamelon too. But when it comes to mixing with the people nobody but nobody does it better. Your job this time around is simple: Identify the two main characters in this week’s Flasback picture and tell us where and when it was taken.
The calendar was in 1998
That is hon Kenny Anthony and my Grandmother Wiletta charles in the William Peter Blvd . I forgot the year but they made a calendar with that picture