FLASHBACK: Were you there?


My, my, my, how time flies! Starting with this introduction of FLASHBACK, our newest column, we offer readers every Wednesday the opportunity to determine for yourselves how much you know about the country we all call home.
Keeping in mind that those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it, mistakes as well as serendipitous discoveries, (when will someone accidentally discover oil beneath our seabed? Ah, but already we’ve done that, haven’t we?), we anticipate much reaction from readers at home and abroad.
Be advised that Flashback will feature not only a variety of unusual photographs of individuals we all should know, but also useful reminders of events uplifting and otherwise. We will also present required reading from the past.
But lest you imagine all of this effort is for free, think again. In return, we would like you not only to identify the pictures but also to add your own related remembrances. What you know of the pictured individuals (do your best to keep it clean and inspiring, for a change), what he or she is doing today, has he or she passed on . . . that kind of thing. Regarding incidents recalled, tell us where you were when they occurred, what were your thoughts then and today.
And now: name the three gentlemen here pictured, the place they were photographed, and the occasion! We’ll feature a new picture or episode each Wednesday with our own associated remembrances.
Post your answers here or check us out on facebook: ‘stluciastar’ or email the editor: nicole.m@stluciastar.com.



We received several responses to the questions featured in our introductory FLASHBACK column, and truthfully we were shocked. Alas, how quickly we forget. So here now are the correct answers: The featured gentlemen participated in one way or another at the Regional Constituent Assembly at Sandals La Toc, in 1991. Pictured (left to right) Sir Telford Georges (chairman), political analyst Pat Emmanuel (deceased) and believe it or not Kenny Anthony, then a UWI lecturer doubtlessly nursing certain dreams that would materialize a mere five years later. Rick Wayne was the photographer! Here are some of the answers we recieved from readers: Wendel Ronan George: “Great initiative but I don’t know these men except Mr Kenny Anthony.” Jueanne Cherubin: “Dave Samuel, Mikey Pilgrim and Kenny D Anthony, my guess.” Oliver J. Thomas: “Allan Louisy, George Odlum and Kenny D Anthony at the independence negotiations.” Victor Phillips: “Regional Constituent Assembly, looks like Willie Demas, Kenny Anthony and some one esle, definitely not Brother George!”


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