Caribbean Business Report – The media fraternity is in mourning today, as we’ve lost a giant in the news business – Guy Ellis, former editor of the Voice Newspaper and also the Mirror newspaper and correspondent for many international news organisations – including the Caribbean News Agency, The Associated Press and Reuters.
He was also the co-author of A HISTORY OF ST. LUCIA, probably the island’s most extensive history research project. A book that certainly should be in the schoolbag of every secondary school student, and also in every home and office.
When I met Guy Ellis at the supermarket about two weeks ago, he spoke about the many years of work that went into the book, co-authored by Robert Devaux and Jolien Harmsen, and lamented his exhaustive efforts to get that text into the school system!
You should get a copy, in tribute to Guy Ellis. It’s on Amazon, and as he told me when I informed him that I was reading it, he teased that the last 50 years of St. Lucia’s history is the most fascinating!
Note: The preceeding was originally published by Caribbean Business Report. Stay tuned for our Publisher, Rick Wayne’s tribute to Guy Ellis.