“Go Home.” Police address “Anti-Chastanet drive” gatherers


Police officers were out in full force in Castries on Sunday morning ahead of the planned “Anti-Chastanet” round the island motorcade. Prior to the scheduled 11:00am start time participants were instructed by the police to “go home.”

The RSLPF’s Wayne Charley (left) speaks to organizer Richard Frederick.

Followed by a large group of supporters, event organizer and former government minister Richard Frederick told the STAR: “They’re saying that it amounts to a march under the Public Order Act and therefore permission is needed. But under the Public Order Act, it speaks to a mass crowd event and because everyone would of been in their vehicles, I don’t know how it fits under that.”

Protesters eventually left the city after the police’s orders but some are attempting to go ahead with the motorcade. The intention is to make stops in all constituencies. Contrary to rumors circulating online, Frederick was not arrested at today’s event.

The former government minister organized the motorcade following Prime Minister Allen Chastanet’s recent visits to several communities around the country. Frederick called on all supporters of the Saint Lucia Labour Party and disgruntled United Workers Party supporters to join him and make a statement to the prime minister that “enough is enough.”