Have British also deserted local cops?


The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force is reeling from a decision by the United States government to suspend all assistance under the regional CBI program. In August 2013 the island’s prime minister officially acknowledged the US State Department decision as a consequence of what it considered serious human rights violations by local cops.

In a TV speech entitled “An Unhappy Episode,” the prime minister promised immediate action, including the setting up of a team of Jamaican police investigators, through CARICOM’s Implementation Agency for Crime and Security. Among other incidents, the investigators were expected to look into the 2011 fatal police shooting of five citizens in Vieux Fort, the prime minister’s constituency. He also promised new legislation by which to address extra-judicial police killings.

Did Helen Gobat inadvertently spill the beans on Saint Lucia’s relations with the UK during a press conference last week?
Did Helen Gobat inadvertently spill the beans on Saint Lucia’s relations with the UK during a press conference last week?

Since then, there has been no official word regarding the IMPACS report, expected last February. What is known, however, is that the US continues to penalize the local police, many of whom have been denied training opportunities in the US, including police chief Vernon Francois. The police have also been barred from attending regional training exercises sponsored by the US, including those held in Saint Lucia. The US visas of several police officers have also either been revoked or denied.

With rising violent crime on the island, as well as several homicides at the hands of the police, there continue to be calls for more police training. The commissioner himself has acknowledged that his force is greatly hampered by the withdrawal of US funds under the Leahy arrangements. Now the word is that the British government, too, may be unhappy with Dr. Anthony.

At a press conference last Wednesday, Helen Gobat, mother of murdered 38-year-old Oliver Gobat, disclosed that the Kenny Anthony government had sought assistance from the UK in solving the case but “that seems to have been blocked.”

She revealed that the family had hired a private forensic team to assist in solving her son’s murder. By his family’s account, Ollie Gobat was shot then set on fire in his vehicle at a remote spot at Cap Estate. I spoke with a British journalist last week who revealed that the UK’s refusal to assist was linked to the island’s retention of the death penalty.

In 2011 the UK’s Prime Minister David Cameron had also threatened to withhold aid from countries where homosexuality is illegal. Saint Lucia is among such nations.



  1. The PM knows everything that goes on in St. Lucia, he has about 10,000 sousciers, they even listen in over your phone conversations, they mako when you go to your jabal or to the toilet. For a country that thrives on makoing each other I find it hard to believe that nobody knows who is responsible for killing Ollie. I think that the death penalty waiver request is welcomed by the PM, it gave him the ability to kill this case. Nobody in the Caribbean has been put to death for over a decade, why? You love money too much, you want investors and tourism. Some how being in a small country that hangs people gives the feeling that the locals are brainless savages.

  2. Whats the problem! Our P.M blocking the British police from helping come in and solve this murder! for why? Is there too many pockets lined already that he knows about and is trying to help cover up! like De lance says some big movers on the island don’t want to see it solved as they will be exposed! 120,000 pound someone has to come out with the information about this murder,it would be to much to miss out on. Then all the Corrupt would be Unmasked!

  3. I get the feeling some big movers and shakers on the island do not want that case solved, might expose them.

  4. Absolutely right! The St.Lucian police operate in a similar way to a militia. People know they cannot trust the Police. They know that there is one law for some and another law for others in St.Lucia. Time to administer an enema and purge the St.Lucian police force of every single impurity.

  5. When the couple, on honeymoon were killed in Antigua a few years back, the government at the time asked Scotland Yard for help, the Brits said the same no death penalty to which the Antigua said ok but only for this case. the Brits came in & help the local cops & two guys were arrestted charged found guilty.
    One sinced jumped over the prison wall only to be shot 2 days later by the cops!.


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