It was a Valentines Day like no other on Monday, February 14, 2011. Friends and family of the late Eldridge ‘Hazel’ Louis came together at the Cathedral to pay their final respects to the young man who was killed in a fatal motorcycle accident on Wednesday, February 2. From the numbers of people in and out of the church on Monday afternoon, Hazel’s funeral could be compared to that of a state funeral. Once the church service was over, bikers, all friends and some family members of Hazel took to the streets of Castries in a grand procession that led the hearse to the Vigie cemetery where the 24-year-old was finally laid to rest. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of St Lucians lined the streets as the bikers made their way out of the city. It was a very unusual Monday afternoon in Castries, but a most fitting send off for a much loved young man to whom riding was dear to his heart. Check out the STAR’s Facebook page for video footage!
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