A Sitting of the House of Assembly is scheduled for Tuesday, September 29, 2020 with Papers to be laid by the Honourable Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Economic Growth, Job Creation, External Affairs and the Public Service, the Honourable Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, Physical Planning, Natural Resources and Cooperatives, the Honourable Minister for Economic Development, Housing, Urban Renewal, Transport and Civil Aviation, the Honourable Minister for Commerce, Industry, Enterprise Development and Consumer Affairs and the Honourable Minister for Tourism, Information, Broadcasting, Culture and Creative Industries.

The Motions for consideration are as follows:
1. BE IT RESOLVED that Parliament authorizes the Minister of Finance to borrow an amount of US$3,750,000.00 from the CARICOM Development Fund for the purpose of providing financial assistance to support of the implementation of the Village Tourism Initiative by enhancing specified infrastructure and supporting eligible small and medium-sized enterprises;
2. BE IT RESOLVED that Parliament authorizes the Minister for Finance to borrow an additional sum of US$5,000,000.00 by way of credit from the International Development Association for capital expenditure for the Health System Strengthening Project;
3. BE IT RESOLVED that Parliament authorizes the Minister for Finance to guarantee a loan in the amount of EUR$5,750,000.00 from the European Investment Bank by the Saint Lucia Development Bank for on-lending to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises;
The following Bills are down for consideration:
-Credit Reporting
-Companies and Intellectual Property (Registry)(Amendment)
-COVID-19 (Prevention and Control)
Tuesday’s Sitting is scheduled to commence at 10:00a.m. The Sitting of the Senate is scheduled for Thursday, October 1st, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. In keeping with the protocols established by the authorities for management of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and with a view to ensuring that these protocols are adhered to, a LIMITED number of persons will be allowed in the Chamber Gallery during the Sittings. MASKS will be mandatory. Kindly note that the public can also view the live proceedings on the National
Television Network (NTN) channel 122, Government of Saint Lucia Facebook and YouTube.