Independent candidate takes a walk!

Kensley Peter Charlemagne says he means business.

Mr Kensley Peter Charlemagne, the Independent candidate for Anse La Raye, is making a bold move to raise awareness and raise funds for his campaign.  Calling his campaign event the “one-man-walk,” this 36-year-old politician is attempting to walk from Castries to Canaries  all by himself on Sunday November 20th, 2011.
Speaking with the STAR, Charlemagne said that it is difficult to fund his campaign as an Independent candidate therefore he needs to find innovative ways to let the people know what his policies are and what fresh ideas he can implement for his constituency. “This is my second time contesting this seat and I am happy with the support that I am now getting from family, friends and the community,” he said. “I am appealing to all my supporters to come out and donate towards the cause. I do not have a set target or specific contributions in mind but anything to further the cause is welcomed,” Charlemagne told the STAR.
Responding to whether he is expecting a crowd of followers on Sunday, Charlemagne said that he is undertaking this walk alone but people are welcome to join and just support. He also noted that his campaign plans will move into high gear next week with a series of political meetings planned for Sunday November 27th in his constituency. The independent candidate for Canaries/Anse La Raye emphasized on his campaign for change saying that not only must the people of Anse La Raye/Canaries stand for change but the country must use this opportunity at the polls to bring about the change that they desire. “We need to implement what I have been proposing, what is called the consensus government model and it is being practiced by a few places in the world example Canada,” said Charlemagne.
Going up against the “big boys”, Charlemagne admitted that it is not easy campaigning on the same level as that of his counterparts. “One of the things that have befallen independent candidates of the past is that they make the first effort,” he said, “you are going against the green so there needs to be consistency so that people can take you seriously.” Charlemagne said that people will take him seriously this time around because this is his second time contesting and by this they should know that he means business.
Charlemagne will commence his “one-man-walk” at Constitution Park in Castries and end in the village of Canaries.
The walk commences at 6:30am.

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