The parliamentary representative for Castries South seems to need our prayers so that he can be guided consistently along the right path. Recently, he advised students at a secondary school in Ciceron that they should not depend solely on government for jobs. Instead, they should seek creative means to foster their God-given talents to create their own businesses. Finally, I thought an independent and intelligent voice was emerging from the ranks of the politicians who have made an industry of pandering to the poor, if not actually promoting poverty. Of course Dr. Hilaire’s performance was too good for his detractors within Labour who wish to see their great white return to lead and further destroy Vieux Fort and the SLP.
Soon after his uplifting performance in Ciceron, Hilaire reversed right back into normal SLP mode, verbally assaulting the PM for accepting an invitation to meet with President Trump. Hilaire followed this with the asinine comment that the government is not a business.
The latest comment I interpret as a signal that the time for loose campaign talk outside of elections—by which I mean the annual budget—is upon us and Hilaire has fired his first (and perhaps last) shot across the bow. I hope for his sake that his last anti-business statement is not taken too seriously by his detractors, that this short letter will encourage him to withdraw from the petty minds that surround him, and breathe some fresh country air from the heights of Edmund forest in Soufriere or Mahaut in Micoud before the budget debate begins.