Labour names candidate for Castries South East

    SLP Candidate for Castries South East, Timothy Mangal.
    SLP Candidate for Castries South East, Timothy Mangal.

    In a press release sent out on Monday ,the Saint Lucia Labour Party named 41-year-old businessman Timothy Mangal as the Candidate to contest the Castries South East seat at the next General Elections.  According to the release: “Mangal emerged from a careful and rigorous candidate screening and selection process which lasted several months and involved three other top quality contenders; who all remain committed towards the cause of unseating the unpopular Stephenson King regime.”

    The release goes on: “Timothy Mangal is the owner and Director of Total Development Services Limited. He was born in Guesneau and is a past student of the Ti Rocher Combined School, the Castries Comprehensive Secondary School (CCSS) and the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College (SALCC). He has also taught Building Technology and Technical Drawing at the Castries Comprehensive Secondary School (1988-1990) and served as a Building Officer in the Ministry of Physical Development and Planning from 1990 to 2001, before venturing into business as a young entrepreneur.

    The SLP described Mangal as a deeply spiritual, community and family person.

    “A practising Seventh Day Adventist, he is married to a teacher and they have three young daughters. He has been a leader of sporting organizations in Guesneau and was a founding member and Vice President of the Ti Rocher Development Committee. In that capacity, he designed and spearheaded the construction of the Ti Rocher Multi Purpose Court in 2001 on a self-help basis supported by grant funding from the French Embassy and other donors.”

    “Timothy Mangal has a passion for young people and he believes that our youth must be incorporated into the mainstream of our society through community participation, training and the creation of economic opportunities. He is also very concerned about providing orderly low cost housing for the people of Saint Lucia, in a manner that will enhance the built environment. Philosophically, he strongly believes that creating proper linkages between the construction, tourism and agricultural sectors will generate economic growth and provide jobs for our people.”


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