LIME offers 4G

LIME St Lucia General Manager Chris Williams.
LIME St Lucia General Manager Chris Williams.

Mobile data speeds never before experienced in Saint Lucia are about to become available for the first time as LIME prepares to launch its brand-new, superfast 4G network.

Monday, 1 July 2013 will be remembered by many, as the day the mobile industry in Saint Lucia evolved. LIME rolled out the red carpet for customers with the opening of a 4G Experience Centre at its Baywalk Mall retail outlet. LIME customers are the first to experience the superior technology which is now available in leading industrial nations like the USA, UK,
Japan and some European countries. They now have the opportunity to touch, feel, play and interact with the latest devices in a 4G powered environment.

LIME’s 4G – or 4th Generation – network uses HSPA+ technology, that will enable mobile customers to enjoy faster data speeds and quicker access to the Internet, watch videos at blazing speeds, simultaneously browse the web while making a call, send email, download photos, apps and music at lightning speeds, even conduct video conferences on their phones, plus much more. The network has demonstrated trial speeds of up to 10Mbps, speeds not seen on any other network in Saint Lucia.

Since HSPA+ is compatible with the other mobile technologies already in use on the network, LIME mobile customers with 3G and EDGE compatible devices will be able to continue browsing and using data applications seamlessly. Customers with 3G, 3.5G and 4G phones will see an increase in their browsing speeds.

LIME Saint Lucia General Manager, Chris Williams said LIME has been working tirelessly to bring its customers the best speeds: “Our customers told us loud and clear they want a fast and reliable network comparable to First World standards, and we have responded. We have rebuilt our mobile data network and rolled out a brand-new leading-edge 4G network, which we know is going to thrill our data-hungry customers,” said Chris.

He added: “Customers with data-capable phones will notice an improvement with faster speeds up to the optimum level of their devices. They can now realise the full potential of their handsets. There is a huge demand for mobile data and this upgrade will not only help us to improve the customer’s experience, but to also better meet that demand as more customers move to smartphones, tablets and other data-capable devices.”

Chris notes that LIME’s launch of 4G is a major milestone for the company and for Saint Lucia. “This is a huge moment for LIME and for the country on the whole, especially coming on the heels of our introduction of LIME One Rate calling, allowing customers to call to any network in Saint Lucia and 25 Caribbean territories for the same low price of just $0.60 cents per minute. The local telecommunications industry and LIME specifically have advanced by leaps and bounds to take us even closer to global mores.”

The company that brought Saint Lucia the first cable, the first telex, the first phone, the first Internet service, the first mobile, and Flat Rate calling for the first time is making history again; the first to bring the experience of 4G to Saint Lucia – the most advanced network technology in the world. Over the past two years, LIME has been the first mobile provider to offer nationwide 4G voice and data technologies in Cayman, the British Virgin Islands and Barbados.