How Long Before Untold Stories Get Told?


[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f perchance Mr. Matthew washed you away from your regular circumstances, chances are you haven’t yet heard the government has finally hooked a big fish (big sucker?) of a DPP. Yes, he’s just playing a role but an acting DPP is supposed to be as capable as the real thing. We’ll see. Oh, but I can just see the IMPACS crows scurrying around for a place of refuge. Those who must answer for the Lambirds fiasco, too, including some former big boys and big girls. At least the scores of sexually abused victims will finally have their day in court. Maybe. Perhaps the justice system will get a jumpstart, if we’re especially lucky.

On the other hand, with 400 or so cases long awaiting the DPP’s attention, we should be careful not to expect radial change. Even an acting DPP gotta have a supporting cast, after all. Last we heard there were several other vacancies at the office of the DPP.
Then there’s the crumbling white elephant up at Tapion that some refer to as a crime lab. And what about the police, without whose cooperation the DPP’s office will have a hell of a time getting started, let alone getting anything done? No more pissin’ in the public eye and callin’ it justice, please.

And speaking of the public eye: looks like his past or present has caught up with our local Robert Stack. Remember the original Stack who starred in The Untouchables TV series? Well, it seems you can be untouchable for only so long before you feel the long arm of the law. You never can tell when change will hit you in the gonads, if you get my drift. Taken from his lair under special escort to answer questions, it must’ve occurred to the homegrown Stack that hanging around the victorious is no guarantee of safety after all. Especially when the young and the helpless are involved. One thing for sure, many mamas will be sleeping easier this weekend, never mind the one or two serial rapists presumably still in our midst.

Of course, this being Saint Lucia, you can never tell how police matters will turn out. Next thing you know people changing their minds as love takes over the brain and all they can think about are sexy untold stories. And once again Stack walks. We bin there many times, folks, as any lawyer will tell you. Some of the self-proclaimed online Johnnie Cochrans have already tried and convicted Mr. Thought he was Untouchable. But then it all depends on who’s sporting what colours. The red brigade can’t wait to see justice done—just, as they couldn’t wait in 2006. Remember?

There’s gonna be a whole lot more on this waiting-to-be-told story. After all, it ain’t like Mr. Stack is dead broke. Word is he recently collected a cool $60,000 for making certain politicians look good on TV.   And you know how money talks—especially combined with the right about of bullshit.