The Mayor of Castries has called for an end to the unhygienic and unsafe practice of placing produce on the ground for sale along City streets. Mayor Peterson Francis has noted that some vendors put fruit, vegetables and provisions on the ground to attract buyers. But he warns that the habit should be stopped as it is unhealthy. The Castries Mayor has also called on members of the public not to buy produce that is placed on the ground.

“I urge everyone to go to the New Castries Provisions Market to purchase their produce,” he stated. “We are faced with a situation where we are reaching our objective of having vending in a more orderly fashion. Whilst we have achieved some gains, a lot of work needs to be done not just by way of sensitization, but also getting persons to understand the greater good. For years, it seemed acceptable that provisions could be placed on the ground in the city for sale. We must graduate from such practices. It is unsafe, unsanitary and should not be tolerated or encouraged.”