“Who will listen to the voices crying out for peace? They are asking when will the war cease.”
This is the compelling opening of Saint Lucian-born Meshach’s ‘World Peace’ video. On Monday this week, the STAR sat with the artiste and his international manager of 15 years, Allan Browne, to discuss the CD compilation entitled “No Retreat” which is set to give the island international exposure with a powerful global message to the masses.
“The only person who is still alive right now from that video is Fidel Castro,” Browne shared. “Obama is currently engaged in talks with the Cuban leader calling for world peace, asking world leaders to come together to create such. We have seen a lot of uprising in Syria, Russia, Afghanistan and Iran and our message is to prevent nuclear war,” he continued.
“We have another single out, ‘Stay out of Trouble’ and it depicts a portrayal of a conversation with and among youth. When we converse with kids they are saying life is a bitch, while for us life is a gift.” According to Browne, the reason for this is that young people feel that most who attend school locally will study hard but upon completion of their studies, there is a lack of employment. “There are no jobs and if there are jobs, they do not align with what they have studied for,” he says. He believes too that the low wages of those fortunate enough to find employment is the main reason some resort to violence and stealing. To prevent the crime rate from escalating, Browne suggests that world leaders, including our own, do something about it, which is why these two singles have been selected as the feature tracks for the album.

“The train kicks off here in Saint Lucia upon my return later this month,” Browne told the STAR. From here Meshach is set to embark upon an international tour in which he plans to share his message via his powerful musical craft in places such as America, Toronto and Europe. “It’s election time in America and the world is saying that if there is a Trump as president, then it’s going to be the start to nuclear war,” said Browne.
Meshach’s ‘World Peace’ video has been somewhat of a prophecy video, he believes, depicting scenes of what was imminent in the years to come. His You Tube video features scenes from former Graveyard shootings while portraying a compelling tale of what has been transpiring worldwide in terms of political, religious and social unrest resulting in wars and genocides.
It highlights scenes from countries such as Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon. Another feature track entitled ‘Police Officer’ is also set as a highlight track in the aftermath of the police shootings which resulted in the recent IMPACS investigation.
Music is a way of confronting crucial social and political issues and Meshach’s management team, including Allan Browne as his international representative and Claudette Adjodha as his local manager, is committed to spreading the message to the masses, not only locally but also on an international scale.
“We have to change the minds of the politicians,” Meshach told the STAR, “and alter the minds of the people. We have enough time to do this and should be doing so rather than getting involved in senseless things.”
He concluded: “Even if we have our own rights and free will, we have to do something for mother earth. We all live on the planet breathing and we all have dominion; we enjoy everything, so let us do something for the earth, for humanity. We are quick to kill; let us be quick to help, to push the right kind of stuff.”