We’ve heard almost non-stop from the Opposition SLP about the absolute horrors of the DSH project and that Allen Chastanet’s dealings with Teo Ah Khing serve as just another reminder of UWP “vindictiveness and callousness” toward Saint Lucia’s abused poor. Last week it was the turn of Vieux Fort North MP Moses Jn Baptiste: “The Saint Lucia Labour Party reminds the prime minister that this healthcare crisis in Saint Lucia is more important than the horses that will be given brand new, air-conditioned facilities which will be paid for by money belonging to all Saint Lucians.” So unflinching has been the SLP’s opposition to DSH that the former prime minister, Kenny Anthony, last October filed a related injunction in which he stated: “These Agreements are not, in my view, in the interest of my constituents and indeed the people of Saint Lucia. As I have said before, I will oppose these Agreements with every ounce of strength that I have.”
Meanwhile, a 2016 email from Saint Lucia’s prime minister addressed to Teo Ah Khing weeks before the general elections sounds a somewhat contradictory note: “It was a pleasure to receive your email and note the strong enthusiasm which still exists to make the project a reality. I am touched by the strength of your commitment.”
Still another email from the prime minister to “Dear Teo”: “It is always good to hear from you! I continue to admire your commitment and passion for this investment. I understand that your proposals are on the way to Cabinet for consideration. I hope we can give you a response in the next few days.”
The second missive is dated April 22, 2016, in response to an April 17 letter addressed to the prime minister by the now maligned Johnny foreigner Teo Ah Khing, who stated in part: “Our China Horse Club International Advisory Council meeting was held in Sydney recently and one of the main discussion topics was St Lucia, which the Council, under the chairmanship of Prof Dr Joseph Deiss has unanimously approved to proceed investment. I am excited finally we have gathered all positive signals and I hope the St Lucia Government under your leadership can also give us a positive signal soonest.”
At a public meeting in January 2017 the no longer prime minister said: “The first thing I have to tell you is that the SLP has always said in its manifesto over the years that one of its fundamental commitments to the people of Vieux Fort is to establish a horse racing track. Those of you who are from Vieux Fort will remember that every year, except for last year, Kenny Anthony was the one who held an annual horse racing activity in Vieux Fort for the last 19 years. Every year I have raised funds to finance horse racing in Vieux Fort. And I say this to the young men of Vieux Fort: There has never been anyone more committed to horse racing than Kenny Anthony and the SLP.”
Which tends to explain Moses Jn Baptiste’s non-committal response last Thursday, when asked what an SLP administration would do about DSH horse racing should his party be returned to office: “I cannot tell you what we would do. We would certainly review all arrangements that this government has made, whether it be DSH, whether it be Cabot, whether it be using people’s pension funds to give rich people, whether it is building a new St. Jude hospital, which will take 16-18 months, and they waited over three years to announce that they can actually build a hospital in 18 months while people suffered. All arrangements that will cause Saint Lucians to lose our land, our patrimony and our Saint Lucian-ness, the SLP will review every single one of them.”
Perhaps more revealing is what Prime Minister Kenny Anthony stated in correspondence to Teo Ah Khing dated February 10, 2016—with reference to his request that sovereign immunity be waived for him: “This is unprecedented and may well require Parliamentary approval. To do so in an election year would be suicidal. However, I am sure that our proposed wording can achieve the same interest and not prejudice the project in any way.” (Writer’s emphasis) Conceivably SLP administration decisions depend on whether the party is in office or in opposition. But then, that’s hardly the world’s best-kept secret!