MPs Hilaire and Fedee kicked out by Speaker Andy Daniel


Parliamentarians Dr. Ernest Hilaire and Dominic Fedee were both asked to temporarily leave the chamber during Wednesday’s House of Assembly sitting. Prime Minister Allen Chastanet was providing a rebuttal on a motion to guarantee a EC$202,500,000.00 loan to finance the Hewanorra International Airport Redevelopment Project. Parliamentarians on both sides of the House were engaged in much cross-talk while Chastanet spoke.

Speaker Daniel had enough and interjected: “Member for Anse La Raye and member for Castries South, you could please step outside for the next few minutes. Member for Anse La Raye and member for Castries South please step outside for the next few minutes please,” he said.

They hesitated to leave the chamber.

“Just please step outside for the next few minutes,” Daniel repeated.

The MPs then followed Daniel’s directive and have since been allowed back into the chamber.

Tune into today’s sitting by clicking here: