Office of the Prime Minister – Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre has taken steps to ensure members of the Royal Saint Lucia Police represented by the Police Welfare Association and the membership of the Saint Lucia Nurses Association benefit from the ongoing disbursement of XCD 20 million in back pay owed to public servants.
Both the PWA and the SLNA opted to pull out of the Trade Union Federation [TUF] umbrella to independently pursue wage negotiations with the Government Negotiating Team [GNT]. That decision made them ineligible to receive wage benefits agreed upon by the GNT and TUF in 2019.
However, Prime Minister Pierre with the support of the Cabinet of Ministers, has decided in good faith to include the PWA and SLNA membership [more than 1000 workers] and has made allocations to ensure they too enjoy a commensurate share of the previously negotiated back pay arrangement.
Neuva Says:
Has the fat lady sung her last song?
Greetings folks I am glad you drop by, whether it was planned or accidental it is just fine with me, on this website you only get to read things of positive vibrations, like something dear to my heart, the degradation of a once prominent Island, there was a time not so long ago, you could fish near the shoreline, believe it or not, red and blue crabs use to run wild making their way to the beach, mango fruit trees were grown all along the roadside, was readily available to all no restriction, Julie mangoes included.
Like everything else that is now almost gone out of existence, do you ever ask yourself why? Of course not, you just take it for granted and jot it down as a sign of the times, let me tell you that you are wrong if you think that way, thinking that way has consequences without measure, casing point the incoming foreigners have fenced you out and that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Look around you my fellow St. Lucians, there is something radically wrong here, do you see any skilled migrants coming forward to house your hospitals? Oh yeah, that’s right you don’t have any hospital, the money is now in the pockets of those you trust to govern over you.
Oh well let me tell you it should not ever be not kay sera, sera you should put your right foot forward and jam it in the doorway, your leaders have failed you, stolen from you, and left you for ruin, but they have not finish diminishing your resources, soon another set of do-gooders will come up for their share I guaranteed you wait and see.
Who among you has the guts to challenge the system stand up and be counted, as I travel towards the twilight of my age my heart bleeds for a once prominent people of character, when everyone had equal rights and justice, if you think you are being victimized now just tarry a little while for the new system will send you one way trip to the gallows.
Slow down you are moving too fast, relax long enough to ponder, and think of where you now stand, now try to remember a decade ago before independence, loyal St. Lucia had no debt hanging over it, a good day catch put money in the fishermen’s pocket, the sweet grass-fed your animals the slaughterhouse was full, vegetables were abundant and the market place was booming.
We had no debts, we did not owe the World Bank, no loans from the Taiwanese government, and no panhandling yep we were not a nation of beggars, and then blindly with our noses we were led to the pasture to be a nation of beggars. It could be said for the infidels who fill their pockets with your resources, yes shame on them. Now it is much too late and the fat lady has sung her last song.